If you aren’t able to host an art sale right now, here are some other ideas to join in the effort! Email us if you have others! Remember to fill out the sign up form.

  • Make an Anti-racism Statement poster/sign/statement/print/postcard - Let’s normalize anti-racism by putting more images and symbols of it out into the world!

  • Create and share art that highlights the work and efforts of local organizers, organizations, mutual aid groups.

  • Make postcards for a Postcard Party/Advocacy Campaign to mail to your government representatives

  • Reach out to local organizations supporting marginalized communities and fighting systemic racism - offer your resources, collaborate.

  • Are you an educator?
    Assign an inspiring piece for your students to read or listen to, (such as John Lewis’ final essay - see here or here), and then ask the students to write a reflection and then create art or poetry inspired by it.

  • Spend some serious time reflecting on meaningful conversations and shifts that should happen where you work and where you create art. Make a plan. Start the work!